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Showing posts from April, 2011

Timeless & Elegant Wedding 29.4.2011

That's the official Royal Wedding Commemorative China and wedding cake for the wedding of Prince William and Catherine(Kate) Middleton. The wedding logo is very simple but elegant. I also love the wedding cake so much! It's simple and only in white color. We always suggest our clients to keep everything sophisticated and simple if they want an elegant wedding. Flowers were being delivered to Westminster Abbey. Six members of the National Association of Flower Arranging Societies help florist Shane Connolly prepare the flowers, all sourced from the UK. The flowers and plants include blossoms, azaleas, rhododendron, euphorbias, beech, wisteria and lilac. See, green and white are an elegant accompaniment to this royal wedding. The flowers were chosen for their meaning and their significance to the Royal Family, the Middleton family and with a nod to the language of flowers. What is the flower language of her bouquet? Sweet William means gallantry, lily-of-the-valley i

sound of floral @ M.dimension

梔子花 . Gardenia

這花球主要用上了梔子花,此外點綴了散聚其中的石斛蘭 當年我確切期望能擁有一個梔子花球出嫁,可惜我是一位十 二月新娘子 最近搜羅的心頭好之一 梔子花 (又名:山黃梔、黃枝花、山梔) 學名:Gardenia Jasminoides Ellis 英文名:Gardenia,Cape Jasmine 梔子花是香花世界的一員,瓣子優雅,暗香盈動,Emil y愛她的清雅.香氣...和因梔子而尋回的童年回憶.. ...每年四至五月是梔子花的盛放季節,我總是沉醉在當 中......可說不願也不能自拔!! "卮"為古時酒杯的名稱,梔(音枝)指它的果實樣子

A Floral Box with Spring Blooms

如無意外,你會聆聽到文殊花葉之美麗序曲 如無意外,你可觸及咫呎之近的春天氣息......這就是--文殊花寄 "文殊花度" 替你以花言志,也能以花說愛。 花葉流轉著四季,在婉約裡也在彷彿的靜默裡透露了回憶和 追尋。 ...... 幸福的花樹上有您。

Flower Arrangement in Red & White

運用了癲馬玫瑰,庭園象牙白玫瑰,翠珠,綠豆子,綠繡球 ,白色蝴蝶蘭和紅胡姬等構成花作 藤藍子點綴了青綠小葉,凝聚一片青蔥 這象牙白庭園玫瑰,名字 Patience...多冷靜 籃子中央放置了多支試管既可置花亦是視覺元素 充滿冷傲的紫藍色蕈毒花 (thistle eryngium) ......不友善的名字 ><"""

Bridal Bouquet of Peony & Vanda

請留言告訴我: 你喜歡這花球的原因?

Flower Arrangement in Glass Vase

Emily's Floral Designs @ China Present Lifestyle Magazine, March 2011

早前Emily因事忙兼怠懶,故匆忙撰寫文稿"水自茫茫.花自紅",附交<<時代中華>>;二月號. 感謝總編先生的包容......三月文稿"未竟之美"則較多深思,說明以外,多添Emily的觀點看法,慶幸尚有一些進步,希望你能抽空細讀,給我寶貴意見. 如需較清晰的細閱文字,可Double Left Click 每一圖文.

Happy Wedding to Mini & Sean (16 April, 2011)

Mini訂花時告訴我她強烈鍾愛牡丹,當時我說不能肯定 四月時牡丹的確實供應......她說也愛Garden Rose,最後我替她兩全其美地用上了Peony & Garden Rose!! 她的信任和善解是我力臻完善的原動力...設計無疑需要 靈感和對方從心的欣賞! Thanks Mini~~ Ingredients: Peony, David Austin Garden Rose Juliette, David Austin Garden Rose Patience, Allium Neapolitanum Mini人如其名是一位玲瓏亦親切的新娘子,所以花球也 宜小巧精緻,以粉色作主調配合她的溫婉 當中的綠白小蔥花很可愛,是春天的組曲 Mini說她想以水彩調的繡球造ring pillow,前天我在花墟驚喜地遇上這清雅的繡球花, 純白中淺淺的紫和粉紅......跟萬代蘭是天配之合 山茶花閃石裝飾,M.dimension不言而喻的用心 配上三朵粉紅小玫瑰,讓ring pillow傳遞盟誓的甜蜜 Sean的襟花 一 Sean的襟花 二 家長襟花 x8, 用上獨特的顛馬玫瑰 crazy horse rose!! 八位兄弟的襟花,格調簡潔 設計兩式同中有異的兄弟襟花 早上客人來取花前,我匆忙地在十分鐘之內傖促拍照...... 在這裡跟你分享文殊的花葉組合!

Real Bride: Happy Wedding Iris & Ryan