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Showing posts from January, 2011

Happy Wedding to Monica & Kenneth

這新娘花球融和了粉紫的温柔和含蓄,點綴淡紅小牡丹和酒紅小菊......讓喜悦随花 而至。 象牙白蕙蘭高貴亦亮麗。 文殊花度演譯優美中的雅致。 Kenneth的襟花,與新娘子的傳統裙掛襯絕了-- 喜慶。 另一為Kenneth而設計的瑰麗襟花,風信子的香氣更是入懷。 父母們的襟花,傳統中的變奏。 為Kenneth的姐姐們而設計的淺粉紫玫瑰跟米拿葉襟花,玲瓏優美。 為Monica的姐姐們而設計的粉紅小牡丹配風信子襟花,花俏可人。

四季花嫁 . 靈感流轉

Decorating is simple when Mother Nature is your guide, so let the natural colors of the season be your inspiration. Just make sure that the wedding colors you choose complement the blooms and foliage that are naturally available during that time of year. Spring Garden: 春日 Whether soft and subdued or bright and punchy, spring gives you a multitude of color choices to get creative with. - Combine a wide variety of blush shades like soft pinks, apple green, ivory. - Green and white are an elegant accompaniment to a garden setting. - Though an obvious choice, green never gets old in spring and should be a theme throughout. Plant grass in terracotta pots and design your event around an overall garden theme. - Seasonal blooms – Classics include tulips, daffodils, peonies, lilies, magnolias, gardenias, hydrangeas, gerbera daisies, and apple or cherry blossoms. Summer Passion: 夏熱 Warm sunshine, vibrant colors, and outdoor setting opportunities abound during the summ